34 SEO Competencies: Tutorial and Course

34 SEO Competencies Tutorial and Course is your ultimate guide to 34 SEO Competencies, including facts and information about 34 SEO Competencies. The goal of this tutorial and course for 34 SEO Competencies is committed to helping you to understand and master the content about 34 SEO Competencies. The tutorial and course for 34 SEO Competencies includes the following sections, covering the following areas of Search Engine Optimization:

34 SEO Competencies


In the early stages of SEO project management, the best SEO project people were promoted to the role of project manager because they demonstrated competence with the unique SEO tools and often displayed knowledge of a domain, such as a business application. They fequently did not succeed in this position because they were unprepared for situations outside of the technical realm. Now we know that every SEO project manager needs skills far beyond knowing how to code in SEO ways, but a good SEO project manager need to excel in people and peoject management skills, too.

We have compiled a list of the essential competencies employed by the most successful SEO software project managers and organized them into three categories: SEO product, SEO project, and SEO people, as shown in the following:

SEO Product Development Techniques

At the end of the day, SEO project managers are responsible for delivering a product. Since that is our primary objective, we will examine product development techniques first, before SEP project skills and SEO people skills. SEO product development techniques, Competency 1 through 11.

Competency 1: SEO access processes

Competency 1: SEO access processes, we are responsible for defining SEO criteria for reviews, such as estimating duration and cost, SEO project tracking and control, continuous process improvement, SEO quality assurance, and so on.

Competency 2: Awareness of SEO process standards

Competency 2: Awareness of SEO process standards, we are responsible for understanding SEO process standards.

Competency 3: Defining the SEO product

Competency 3: Defining the SEO product, we are responsible for identifying customer environment and product requirements. For example, defining the Goal and scope of the SEO software project.

Competency 4: Evaluating alternative processes

Competency 4: Evaluating alternative processes, we are responsible for evaluating various approaches. For example, selecting SEO software development life cycles, defining the Goal and Scope of the SEO software project, choosing an organization form, and so on.

Competency 5: Management SEO requirements

Competency 5: Management SEO requirements, we are responsible for monitoring requirements changes. For example, elicting requirements, developing the SEO software requirement sepecification.

Competency 6: Managing SEO subcontractors

Competency 6: Managing SEO subcontractors, we are responsible for planning, managing, and monitoring performance. For example, selecting a SEO project team, assigning resources, legal lssues in SEO software or other things, etc.

Competency 7: Performing the initial assessment of SEO project

Competency 7: Performing the initial assessment of SEO project, we are responsible for assessing difficult, risks, costs, and schedule of SEO project. For example, identifying the tasks and activities of SEO project, SEO software size and reuse estimating, and estimating duration and costs of SEO project.

Competency 8: Selecting methods and tools for an SEO project

Competency 8: Selecting methods and tools for an SEO project, we are responsible for defining selection processes of SEO project. For example, use of tools, SEO configuation management, and understanding systems engineering methods for an SEO project.

Competency 9: Tailoring SEO process

Competency 9: Tailoring SEO process, we are responsible for modifying standard processes to suit a SEO project. For example, selecting SEO development life cycles, choosing an organizational form, and considering dependencies.

Competency 10: Tracking SEO product quality

Competency 10: Tracking SEO product quality, we are responsible for monitoring the quality of an evolving SEO project. For example, SEO quality assurance.

Competency 11: Understanding SEO development activities

Competency 11: Understanding SEO development activities, we are responsible for learning the SEO development cycle. For example, selecting SEO development life cycles and managing domain processes.

SEO Project Management Skills

Just as with SEO product skills, each of the SEO project management skills from the 34 competencies will be covered in this SEO Tutorial. They are shown in the following as Competency 12 through 22.

Now we will outline the essential SEO project management skills required to achieve SEO project management competency. The brief explanation of the SEO project management skills, Competency 12 through 22, will be introduced here to serve as a roadmap and as a review guide.

Competency 12: Building a work breakdown structure for an SEO project

Competency 12: Building a work breakdown structure for an SEO project, we are responsible for building a work breakdown structure for an SEO project.

Competency 13: Doucmenting plans for an SEO project

Competency 13: Doucmenting plans for an SEO project, we are responsible for identifying key components of the SEO project.

Competency 14: Estimating cost for an SEO project

Competency 14: Estimating cost for an SEO project, we are responsible for estimating cost to complete an SEO project.

Competency 15: Estimating effort for an SEO project

Competency 15: Estimating effort for an SEO project, we are responsible for estimating effort required to complete an SEO project.

Competency 16: Managing risks of an SEO project

Competency 16: Managing risks of an SEO project, we are responsible for determining impact and handling of risks of an SEO project.

Competency 17: Monitoring development of an SEO project

Competency 17: Monitoring development of an SEO project, we are responsible for monitoring the production of an SEO project.

Competency 18: Scheduling an SEO project

Competency 18: Scheduling an SEO project, we are responsible for creating a schedule and key milestones for an SEO project.

Competency 19: Selecting metrics for an SEO project

Competency 19: Selecting metrics for an SEO project, we are responsible for choosing appropriate metrics for an SEO project.

Competency 20: Selecting project management tools for an SEO project

Competency 20: Selecting project management tools for an SEO project, we are responsible for knowing how to select appropriate project management tools for an SEO project.

Competency 21: Tracking process of an SEO project

Competency 21: Tracking process of an SEO project, we are responsible for monitoring compliance of an SEO project team.

Competency 22: Tracking SEO project process

Competency 22: Tracking SEO project process, we are responsible for monitoring SEO process using metrics.

SEO People Management Skills

Just as with SEO product skills and SEO project skills, each of the SEO people management skills from the 34 competencies will be covered in in this SEO Tutorial. They are shown in the following as Competency 23 through 34.

We now turn to a brief explanation of the SEP people management skills, Competency 23 through 34. Each ccompetency will be introduced here to serve as a roadmap and as a review guide.

Competency 23: Apprausubg performance

Competency 23: Apprausubg performance, we are responsible for evaluating SEO teams to enhance performance.

Competency 24: Handling intellectual property

Competency 24: Handling intellectual property, we are responsible for understanding the impact of critical issues during managing the SEO project.

Competency 25: Holding effective meetings

Competency 25: Holding effective meetings, we are responsible for planning and running excellent meetings during the SEO project.

Competency 26: Interaction and communication

Competency 26: Interaction and communication, we are responsible for dealing with SEO project team members, upper management, and other teams.

Competency 27: Leadership

Competency 27: Leadership, we are responsible for coaching SEO project teams for optimal results.

Competency 28: Managing change

Competency 28: Managing change, we are responsible for being an effective change agent.

Competency 29: Negotiating successfully

Competency 29: Negotiating successfully, we are responsible for resolving conflicts and negotiating successfully.

Competency 30: Planning careers

Competency 30: Planning careers, we are responsible for structuring and giving career guidance.

Competency 31: Presenting effectively

Competency 31: Presenting effectively, we are responsible for using effective written and oral skills.

Competency 32: Recruiting

Competency 32: Recruiting, we are responsible for recruiting and interviewing SEO team members successfully.

Competency 33: Selecting an SEO team

Competency 33: Selecting an SEO team, we are responsible for choosing highly competent SEO teams.

Competency 34: SEO Teambuilding

Competency 34: SEO Teambuilding, we are responsible for forming, guiding, and maintaining an effective SEO team.

We want to emphasize the competencies necessary to select and build an SEO project team, infuse the team menbers with enthusiasm, encourage them through difficult issues, and help each members plan a career to ensure life after the SEO project.

As integral tasks, SEO people skills are essential for the successful completion of every phase in the SEO project life cycles. For those of us who were not born with the ability to lead, capably negaotiate win-win situations, or give presentations, it is comforting to know that each of these skills can be learned.

This introdcution will provide a brief description of each of the 12 SEO people skills and desicuss how they support the other 22 competencies. The what - what SEO project and product competencies are supported by each of the SEO people skills - and the when - in which phase of the SEO development life cycle the SEO people skills are applied - are outlined. The why and the how of each of the SEO people skills will be presented in depth in later SEO tutotials.

Often thought of as tje softer SEOer side of SEO project management, SEO people management may actually be the most important piece of the seo-project-support composition: SEO people, SEO process, SEO product. True, the organization will soon be out of business if a SEO project isn't successful, but it's equally true that the SEO project results won't meet requirement, won't be of high quality, or maybe won't even exit if the SEO project team doesn't pull together toward a common vision and have an effective leader. An organization may have an world-class process, but without the proper recruiting, team selection, team building, and care of team members (appriaisal, career planning), there won't be a functioning team to follow it. Researchers may have a superior invention, but without interaction, effective presentations, effect meetings, negotiation skills, and change management the SEP product/project will never get out the door.

Because they are used in every SEO project phase and SEO service life cycle phase and in the continuous support of quality, it is difficult to cleanly peg each SEO people skill to a specific phase or competency. SO we'll describe where multiple skills can be applied and which skills may be especially important to getting a process or product phase task completed.

For example, negotiation and managing change may be two SEO people skills required continuously, whereas SEO team selection obviously takes place only near the beginning of a project - usually in SEO project planning phase (which corresponds to the SEO concept exploration and.or SEO system exploration SEO life cycle phase) as in the following Figure.

SEO Tutorial Figure: Selecting an SEO Project Team
Selecting an SEO Project Team, SEO Tutorial, SEO University

Multiple competencies are frequently requied during any given life cycle phase, and one competency may support others, Managing people on an SEO project requres applying SEO people skills, SEO engineering, development, and service knowledge, and SEO project management smarts at the same time. As long as each skill is mastered, it becomes natural to use several in unison, There will be a section in this SEO tutorial on mastering each of the SEO people management skills, and it will be assumed that SEO project managers need to employ one or more of them every step of the way.
  • 34 SEO Competencies: Books
  • 34 SEO Competencies: eBooks
Title: 34 SEO Competencies: Tutorial and Course
Description: 34 SEO Competencies: Tutorial and Course - Your ultimate guide to 34 SEO Competencies, including facts and information about 34 SEO Competencies.
Keywords: 34 SEO Competencies, 34 SEO Competencies Tutorial, 34 SEO Competencies Course, SEO Tutorials, SEO Courses
Subject: 34 SEO Competencies Tutorial, 34 SEO Competencies Course,
Publisher: SEO University ()
Topics: 34 SEO Competencies, 34 SEO Competencies Tutorial, 34 SEO Competencies Course, SEO Tutorials, SEO Courses
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34 SEO Competencies: Books & eBooks

  • 34 SEO Competencies: Books
  • 34 SEO Competencies: eBooks

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